Configure SNIB3 with Advanced Troubleshooting

SNIB3 Default IP Address Scheme

SNIB3 ships with the following IP scheme. The last two octets of the IP address are based on the mac address of the SNIB3 and differ between SNIB3s.

IP address


Subnet Mask

Default gateway

Factory Default SNIB3 IP Address

The SNIB3 supports DHCP and will accept an IP scheme from a DHCP server if connected to the DHCP server while performing a factory default. See the steps on how to factory default a SNIB3.

Secure Network Interface Board (SNIB, SNIB2, and SNIB3) | Resetting a SNIB3 to its Factory Default Values

Access the SNIB Config tool

The latest SNIB Config Tool can be found at the following link on the Identiv Partner Portal.

If your computer has Velocity installed, you can access the tool from the Velocity install directory, normally located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Identiv\Velocity\Tools\SNIBConfigTool

Setting Firewall Permissions

It may be required to allow the SNIB Config Tool through the Windows Firewall. You can grant firewall permissions by going to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Allowed Apps

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Setting a Static IP Address on Your Computer

The SNIB Config Tool requires the use of a default gateway. If you do not configure an IP scheme with a default gateway, you will be met with the following error Invalid option specified. Notice under ‘Search Networks’ the drop down is blank, and the tool did not detect your default gateway because it is not defined.

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You can review your current IP configuration by running running the following Windows command.

ipconfig /all

It is best to be on a common default gateway as the SNIB3 when trying to configure the SNIB3 with a new IP address. Therefore, you should set your computer’s IP address to the following IP scheme after defaulting the SNIB3 to its default values.

IP address

Subnet Mask

Default gateway

Setting a static IPv4 address can be done trough the Control Panel or through the Windows Settings app.

Now when relaunching the SNIB Config Tool you will see your default gateway under ‘Search Networks’ and the SNIB3 is now discoverable.

Note: You may need to reboot your computer if you still cannot find the SNIB3 after setting the above static IP scheme.

Sending New IP Schema to the SNIB3

Now that you have discovered the SNIB3, you can double click on the search result. Uncheck DCHP mode. Set your Hostname, IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

Review the New IP Schema

You can test the new IP schema by sending a ping command to the SNIB3 using the new IP address. You can also run apr -a to review the SNIB3 IP address along with the MAC address of the SNIB3.