How do I configure Velocity to have an expansion relay follow the state of an alarm condition?
To get an expansion relay to follow an alarm on a controller through Velocity, follow the below steps:
This application is an example of programming relay 1 to follow a DOTL or Forced alarm at Door 1. Alarm Inputs and Control Zone numbers can be changed to fit the user’s needs.
Any combination of Standard and Master Control Zones can be used to trigger a number of doors and expansion relays to fit almost any user’s needs.
Start by programming one standard Control Zone for Expansion Relay 1.
Open Controller Properties, select Control Zones, then Edit Control Zones
Select a Control Zone to create
Rename the CZ if needed, ensure the Time Zone is ‘Always’ if the relay is needed at any time, select the X1 for Expansion Relay 1
Select Master Control Zones
Create two separate Master Control Zones
Name the MCZ, ensure the Time Zone is ‘Always’
Number 1: Make Forced ON the Standard Control Zone to make sure X1 is checked
Number 2: Make Forced ON Release the Standard Control Zone to make sure X1 is checked
Program Alarm Actions
Open Controller Properties, select Alarm Actions
Under Alarm Input 1, set the TriggerCZ to be Master Control Zone 1 (Forced ON)
Under Alarm Input 1, set the CZOFF to be Master Control Zone 2 (Forced ON Release)