PIV Enrollment

PIV enrollment is activated through the Velocity Application first in order to get the Add Via Smart Card option in Enrollment. The entire enrollment setup is connected to a Web Client using a USB smart card reader.

Prerequisite: Before making use of the PIV Enrollment feature, the Velocity Certification Check Service (VCCS) must be licensed, installed, and configured through the Velocity Application.

Only users with appropriate role permission in Enrollment are authorized to read cards and validate them. If FICAM Mode is unchecked then the “Add Via Smart Card” option will not be visible.

  1.  Select Enrollment -> Add Via Smart Card as shown.

A link to Download Velocity Web PIV Reader is available, click Download.

  1.  Select “Allow pop-ups for http://localhost

Allow pop-ups for http://localhost” for the first time when you read a smart card.

A window displaying to download and install the Identiv Velocity Web PIV Reader software on your system as shown.

  1. Click OK to install the Velocity Web PIV Reader software. The ReaderInstall.exe gets downloaded.

Installing the Velocity Web PIV Reader Software

  1. Execute the ReaderInstall.exe. The window displays as shown.

  1. Click Next to proceed and select the installation folder.

  2. Click Next to confirm the installation and complete the installation as shown.

  1. Click Close to exit.

The messages that appear while downloading and installing the Velocity Web PIV Reader software on your system differ based on the Browser you are using.

●      In Edge, the message looks like the one below. Click OK to proceed.

Click Yes to proceed and install the PIV Reader software and continue further.

●      In Firefox the message looks like the one below. Click OK to proceed.

Click Choose... to download the PIV Reader software and proceed further.

  • In Google Chrome the message looks like the one below. Click OK to proceed.

  1. Select a profile from the Validation Profile drop-down and click Read Card to read the card information for the selected profile.

  1. Select the valid card reader from the drop-down and click OK.

  1. Depending on the reader (with PIN pad or without PIN pad), the PIV reader prompts to enter the PIN Code as shown. Enter the valid Pin Code and click Read Card.

After the PIV card certificate is read successfully, the results of the PIV card validation display.

  1. Click Proceed with Enrollment after viewing the details of the card.

  1. Click Apply Changes to save the card details for Enrollment.

Check the Validation Logs to rectify the errors and continue the steps to read the card information again.

Update Via Smart Card

Select the Person from the Enrollment list or use the Search field to type the name of the person to open the Person’s record which requires an update. Click the Update Via Smart Card button, which will redirect to the Verify Smart Card information screen. At this point please follow and continue from step 5 on PIV Enrollment.

Unassigned and Guest Credentials

To unassign a credential currently associated with a person:

  1. Click the Enrollment tab to view the currently assigned credentials with persons.

  2. Select a person to view the Credential details.

  3. Right-click on the Credential and select Unassign from the drop-down options list.

  4. Now, the credential disappears from the person's credential and is moved to the Unassigned Credentials tab. However, unassigned credentials are still active unless they are disabled.

Assigning Guest Credential to a Person

To assign a guest credential to a person.

  1. Click the Unassigned and Guest Credentials tab, then in the "Type Credential" dropdown, select the option "Guest" to view the list of available Guest Credentials.

  2. Select or right-click on the Guest Credential and select Unassign from the dropdown options list.

  3. Now, the credential disappears from the Guest Credential and is moved to the Unassigned Credentials tab.

  4. Go to the "Type Credential" dropdown and select Unassigned.

  5. Select or right-click on the recently Unassigned credential and select Assign from the dropdown options list to assign the credential to a Person.